Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Projects, projects, projects

Aha! You probably thought "projects" meant knitting projects, but nope! There will be no mention of knitting or knitting projects in this post. Except that I just said knitting three times. Anyway...

This past weekend was cleared for house projects! I know, what's more exciting than a blog post about projects, right? We just did stuff that really should have been done in the spring, but since we jam pack our weekends, we haven't had time to do anything around the house! So this weekend, we bit the bullet and just did them. While we were bustling around the house, Erm decided to give Joey some time out on the little deck that connects our kitchen and dining room, which is in the solarium. This deck has no exit to the ground, so it gives him his outside time but its not dangerous. Here's some pics of Joey outside, and if cats could smile, he would be...

And for any of you kitty cat lovers out there nervous that he's going to jump to his death, Erm was inside watching him from the kitchen

But Michelle, don't you have two cats? Ah, yes I do. He forgets he's a cat sometimes, mainly when there's mice around or there's a door open. Its like he has no instincts. He is happy to watch the world from his window...

While all this fun was going on downstairs, I was cleaning the outside of the solarium, which is not a task for the faint of heart! Or, for people who have a strong aversion to heights. I only have a mild aversion to heights, and I love washing windows, which makes this the perfect project for me. It involves dangling myself from a window a couple of stories up with a long telescoping brush and brushing all the leaves, pollen, and muck off of the roof that I can before washing it with a Windex product that attaches to the hose.

Hmm. Looking at that picture, it really doesn't look like its that high up. Good thing I thought to take a picture from where I was...

Its pretty high up! Erm looks like an ant!!!

Between the solarium, scrubbing the kitchen tiles, moving the furniture and washer/dryer and the other weekly cleaning, we were tapped out after a few hours! We rewarded ourselves with a trip to the wine store for a tasting and a delicious steak for dinner. It was all worth it.

More knitting next time! Promise!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like you guys had a productive day!