So! Since I haven't been knitting, I've been working on lots more other things, and I've actually remembered to take pictures of some of them!
This weekend, I did not get to knit, or run, or bake (my three favorite things). However, my NEXT favorite thing is having dinner parties, and we did that on Saturday! Erm's best friend Skip got engaged in March, right before our trip, and we hadn't had the chance to celebrate with them yet, so Saturday was the night. I love having dinner parties, it gives me a chance to use some of the things that I registered for that everyone swore that I wouldn't use :) I also love coming up with menus, I really enjoy cooking, etc. And, after receiving a book on napkin folding, Erm thinks I have a rare psychological disorder, Foldamania or something.
I also got to show off one of my tablecloths from Paris and all the other things we brought back from our trip!
Notice the folded napkins... sicko
The menu was:
Gougeres (Martha's recipe) with Champagne
Scallops and mushrooms in a white wine & cream sauce with a white wine that Erm picked out...
Individual Beef Wellingtons with an Amarone
Aged Gouda and Parmesan (we took a break from the wine here)
Whiskey granita with vanilla ice cream and a Moscato d'oro dessert wine
The beauty of this meal was that a lot of it was done before our guests came so I could actually spend time with them!
Sunday we were up and at 'em early. It was the first day in a long time that we had no plans, so we took the opportunity to work on our stairs. After the Incident of the Drunken Russian, we found someone else to do our stairs. They came out beautiful! Sunday we worked on starting to finish them. Erm stained, I spackled. I spackled from 10am - 3pm. Lots of spackling!
I actually enjoy it and am good at it and am a spackler for hire for all your spackling needs.
While I was spackling, Erm was working around me, staining the stairs. He started with doing every other stair, so we could still get up and down. Then when I left for a meeting I had, he did the rest of them. The trim and risers still need to be painted, and we need to put some polyeurethane on them, but we're really happy with how they are coming out!
1 comment:
It makes me really happy that you are USING the things you brought back from your honeymoon, rather than just keeping them "for nice." We had a whole huge discussion on the Selfish Knitters board on Ravelry lately about how frustrating it is when you knit for people and then they never use it because "It's too nice for every day." I love your beautiful French tablecloth (and your origami napkins!)
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