Monday, May 4, 2009

Thank God I'm a country girl

As usual, we had a very busy weekend. We went to a Derby Party, family dinner with my aunt and uncle yesterday, and Friday night I worked at the carnival that my work puts on every year. Saturday and Sunday morning were dedicated to yardwork, since the Tree Guy was coming today. We got so much done, and it really tuckered me out! I actually started my day pruning back our HUGE holly bush that's right outside the office. Its a monster. Silly me didn't get any pictures of said holly bush, but I did get this guy:

He was one of four or five and they were HUGE. A couple of years ago all my morning glories were destroyed by slugs, so I get mad at them when I see them, but I still avoided stepping on them. Joey watched me from his usual post, which is anywhere that someone might take pity on him and let him out.

I am convinced that Joey is not neutered. He loves being outside too much. I did let him out for a minute under very close supervision, but his wanderlust proved to be too strong and I had to put him back inside.

After I was done goofing around with the slugs and the inmate, I got to the real work of sawing and dragging trees to a big pile so they could be thrown in the chipper.

Look at those guns... its a wonder I wasn't just pulling trees out of the ground with my bare hands!

So, that's my explanation as to why I have NO KNITTING in my blog for days now. I simply haven't had time to make noticeable progress, much less finish, anything that I'm working on. I'm in the home stretch with the Rusted Root, but for some reason I don't feel like I'm any closer to finishing it. And I'm almost done the leg on Erm's Earl Grey's but that picture really wouldn't be any more exciting than the last one. And the only other thing I'm working on is the Sock Yarn Blankie. My knitting life is BO-RING. But... I'm not letting myself start anything else until I finish the RR and Erm's socks. Seriously.


Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

i LOVE working outside!! I would rather do that than clean house! lol ;) Looks like a beautiful day!!

Knittymuggins said...

Ewwwww...... I detest slugs! And those look particularly vile :) Doesn't it feel good to work outside in the spring though? Can't wait to see the finished projects....
