And I don't mean knitting, although I really am going through knitting withdrawal. My other project is definitely progressing at a good clip, but I'm dying to get back into that Rusted Root and finish it so that I can actually wear it this summer. Or Erm's Earl Greys so that I can give them to him for his birthday.
My withdrawal has to do with American Idol. Love it or hate it, you have to admit it takes over TV for the 5 months that its on every year. Add to that that I am involved in a pool amongst friends and it takes on a whole new meaning. This year, I had Danny Gokey winning the whole thing and I STILL think he should have. Alas. Since everyone had Danny, Adam, Lil Rounds or Allison in their top 2 this year, it really made for an exciting finale that Kris (in nobody's top 2) was up there last night! It was intense.

That's me on the right and fellow crazy-Idol-obsessed Shaine on the left. Either of us was going to win, depending on who won on TV. And... I WON!! For the first time, and I have been doing this pool for a long time. I was very, very excited.
So that's it. I love Idol, go ahead, make fun. I'm already sad that its over.
But do you know what starts tonight? ;)
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