As I say every time, I was debating telling Kelly and Scott that Cody ran away and we don't know where he is, but I would keep him. Sadly, this would never work. I also think Joey is going to miss him, as they are usually together in the house.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Be our guest, be our guest
As I say every time, I was debating telling Kelly and Scott that Cody ran away and we don't know where he is, but I would keep him. Sadly, this would never work. I also think Joey is going to miss him, as they are usually together in the house.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
And I don't mean knitting, although I really am going through knitting withdrawal. My other project is definitely progressing at a good clip, but I'm dying to get back into that Rusted Root and finish it so that I can actually wear it this summer. Or Erm's Earl Greys so that I can give them to him for his birthday.
My withdrawal has to do with American Idol. Love it or hate it, you have to admit it takes over TV for the 5 months that its on every year. Add to that that I am involved in a pool amongst friends and it takes on a whole new meaning. This year, I had Danny Gokey winning the whole thing and I STILL think he should have. Alas. Since everyone had Danny, Adam, Lil Rounds or Allison in their top 2 this year, it really made for an exciting finale that Kris (in nobody's top 2) was up there last night! It was intense.

That's me on the right and fellow crazy-Idol-obsessed Shaine on the left. Either of us was going to win, depending on who won on TV. And... I WON!! For the first time, and I have been doing this pool for a long time. I was very, very excited.
So that's it. I love Idol, go ahead, make fun. I'm already sad that its over.
But do you know what starts tonight? ;)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Doing things is what we like to do...
Notice the folded napkins... sicko
The menu was:
I actually enjoy it and am good at it and am a spackler for hire for all your spackling needs.
While I was spackling, Erm was working around me, staining the stairs. He started with doing every other stair, so we could still get up and down. Then when I left for a meeting I had, he did the rest of them. The trim and risers still need to be painted, and we need to put some polyeurethane on them, but we're really happy with how they are coming out!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The smackdown
This week, Practical and Reasonable Me came out of hiding and told Happy Go Lucky Me what was up. I have something to do that I have been putting off for... three and a half months now. I don't even want to say what it is because I feel like the etiquette police will come after me, but its something I really need to get done. My plan of doing a little every day hasn't worked. Its past time that is acceptable before it gets done. Nothing is working. So...
I'm banning myself from knitting until I can get it done.
Its a drastic measure, I hope it works!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins
1. Apples are to oranges as lemons are to limes.
2. I hate coconut shrimp and that's all I have to say about that.
3. I think I hear spring is finally here.
4. I get emotional at the Olympics every time I see our flag.
5. Do what you want to do, but put your all into it.
6. My brother would go to the lake near our house and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with worms, slugs, frogs, and anything else he could find.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to lobster dinner and watching the Celtics game with my husband, tomorrow my plans include a yard sale and Sunday, I want to spend some quality time with my mom!
Have a great weekend!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thank God I'm a country girl
He was one of four or five and they were HUGE. A couple of years ago all my morning glories were destroyed by slugs, so I get mad at them when I see them, but I still avoided stepping on them. Joey watched me from his usual post, which is anywhere that someone might take pity on him and let him out.
I am convinced that Joey is not neutered. He loves being outside too much. I did let him out for a minute under very close supervision, but his wanderlust proved to be too strong and I had to put him back inside.
After I was done goofing around with the slugs and the inmate, I got to the real work of sawing and dragging trees to a big pile so they could be thrown in the chipper.
Look at those guns... its a wonder I wasn't just pulling trees out of the ground with my bare hands!
So, that's my explanation as to why I have NO KNITTING in my blog for days now. I simply haven't had time to make noticeable progress, much less finish, anything that I'm working on. I'm in the home stretch with the Rusted Root, but for some reason I don't feel like I'm any closer to finishing it. And I'm almost done the leg on Erm's Earl Grey's but that picture really wouldn't be any more exciting than the last one. And the only other thing I'm working on is the Sock Yarn Blankie. My knitting life is BO-RING. But... I'm not letting myself start anything else until I finish the RR and Erm's socks. Seriously.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I'm finally happy to be home
I'm not sure what I'd do without Erm... I love flowers so much, but I kill all plant life that comes near me. The best I can do is arrange flowers that have already been cut. The hibiscus trees are his baby and he gets even more excited than me when they're in bloom. Right now there are tons of buds on this tree... I'm hoping in a few days they'll all explode and the tree will be in full bloom!