Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I'm alive!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Big hiatus = big post
Me and Erm at the Fountain of Trevi
One of many statue people in Rome
St. Peter's Basilica
Me and my father-in-law, getting the tomatoes ready
A pretty view from driving around the island
I completely forgot to take a good picture, so this was on my lap, in the car, outside the shower
Pattern: Super-Natural Stripes, courtesy of f.pea (f.pea is Fawn Pea... how perfect is that?)
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton, 1 ball each: Sand, Sky, and Expresso
Mods: None.
I could be having a gauge problem. Once again, this sweater came out very small. It may fit the baby when he's first born, but I don't think it will fit him for long. I think I'm going to start using a larger needle or knitting the next size up for baby things. Until I figure it out, I'll stick to baby blankets :)
And that's it... for now. I have many things on the needles, a poncho patiently waiting to be blocked, and new yarn waiting to be cast on. I am running the Lowell Sun Half Marathon tomorrow and its supposed to be 45 and rainy!!! Please pray for a dry day in Lowell tomorrow!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Coquette Lace Tube Top
Monday, August 10, 2009
A week of firsts
Monday, August 3, 2009
My first love
Roxie enjoys sunning herself
We returned them to their Mom and Dad a short few days later, but Cody will be back in just two weeks!! Can't wait!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mozarthuys Cowl
Pattern: Marian by Jane Richmond
Yarn: Katia Nordic Print
Mods: The directions say to cast on 45 stitches and use size 19 needles. I cast on 40 stitches and used 15s. The result is a much smaller cowl than what its supposed to be... but I think I like it better this way. Also, you're supposed to twist the first stitch after you cast on to create the twist in the cowl. I think I twisted it twice instead of just once. No biggie.
This yarn was great to work with, not too splitty. Its very soft and will definitely keep me warm under my coats this winter!
This was Erm's idea
Friday, July 24, 2009
Not enough time!
We sailed from Salem to Gloucester for lunch and back! Best sailing day we've ever had. Perfect weather, perfect lunch, and perfect company.
I also tried my hand at a minted pea soup:
I also ran a PR (personal record) this week! Running in the rain agrees with me, I guess. Between that and some tips I got from my personal-trainer-friend, I shaved 13 seconds off of my time and finally passed a milestone I've been trying to reach since I started running two years ago!!!
The good news is that in all my busy-ness, I am finding time to start AND finish small projects. The bad news is that I don't have a picture of the cowl I finished on Wednesday. Next post shall be about the cowl!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I love quick hits
However, nothing picks me up like a quick FO, even if its just a baby hat! My third Baby Cables hat!
A friend who has a baby boy who looks dangerously like Adam Lambert is the recipient of this hat. I need to come up with a baby hat pattern of my own that I can make and sell. I started this one on Sunday afternoon and finished it Monday night. I showed it to Erm this morning, his reaction was "you finished that already?". Ahhhh...
And my longer term project is a shawl for me. I bought this yarn awhile ago, its one of the only yarns I've ever bought with no idea for what I'd do with it, just because I loved it. I thought it looked like a dead squirrel, Erm thought it looked like potatoes. Anyway... I went nuts looking for a shawl to knit with it and came up with this pattern... I can't remember where it is to link it, but it strikes me as pretty basic. Funny coincidence, now that its knitting up, I think a friend of mine has this shawl someone knit for her in a greenish/blueish/brownish yarn. Mine is just brown. I'm SUPER excited, as this pattern is easy and I can tell this shawl is going to be the right balance of warm and not too warm and go with a lot of my fall clothes, because I wear a lot of browns.
I think I finally found the perfect pattern for this yarn!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Excitement and confusuion in knitting land...
Secondly, I used the gift card that Erm gave me for Christmas (can you believe that I’ve had it for 6 months and not used it yet?) and went to Knit Pickings and bought the pattern and some of the yarn to start the Great American Afghan. I pretty much copied the colors from the pattern, but they didn’t have the exact colorways, so I matched the best I could. I love them all, especially all together.
Lastly, I am at a loss. The yarn I bought to finish Erm’s socks is very pretty, but not what I normally buy. It’s a variegated tealish color. I thought I knew what I was going to make with it, but after one pattern repeat, I don’t think I want to do the whole sock in that pattern. The yarn isn’t quite as light as in the picture, but gives a good idea.
Monday, July 6, 2009
YES. Pick your own peas!
Farmer Erm picking peas
Really, really fresh peas
And then we went to visit the farm animals.
Just call me the Goat Whisperer
And then we got our harvested vegetables and went home and had a relaxing night. With salad, of course.