Thursday, February 26, 2009
New toys
1. There is a new tab in the "friends" section on Ravelry. I have no idea how new this tab is but its quite new to me. So, there's "Friends"; "Friend Activity" which keeps you posted when your friends queue, favorite, finish, stash, etc; "Friend's Blogs" which is pretty self explanatory; and the new one "Neighbors". The neighbor tab is people (friends or not) that share your taste in patterns! I love going in there and seeing who else likes the same stuff I do! And this goes for finished projects and queued projects. Ravelry's so great for getting help when you're stuck with something, I'm looking forward to seeing how this new one helps me out of a new jam!
2. The "follwer" widget for Blogger. Right over there, on the right hand side. I decided to add to my blogs-I-follow list last week and its made my life much more fun. I always have at least one or two blogs to read and help me procrastinate from whatever else I could be doing :) I have also done lots of reading that if you follow someone's blog, you get more activity on YOUR blog, and I think that's true, I've seen more visitors in the past week! Fun!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What I did with my day off
After all that knitting, I had worked up yet another appetite (see a pattern?) and was dying to use my mixer so I made some peanut butter cookies. My goal is to keep my cookie jar full of fresh and delicious cookies now that I have more time, and this was a great start.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Old friends and new friends
Some Malabrigo in Pagoda. Hard to tell from this pic, its a reddish brown. It is currently being knitted into a plain poncho.
I am currently working on the Socks that I Hate. I really hate them. I'm not sure if I just hate the yarn with the pattern, the yarn in general, or what. Actually, I think it was the pattern with the yarn, because I am at the end of the gusset decreases now and I tried one on yesterday and it fit perfectly, and when its in just plain stockinette, I don't hate it so much.
The UFO bin, for things I currently have on the needles (note my poor, sad, Rusted Root)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I am an addict.
I am completely addicted to Vicks VapoRub. Well, I guess I wouldn't say completely, because when I feel healthy I don't use it. But the smallest sniffle and out comes the Vicks. Erm has gotten used to it, and it a little amused by it. Its such a potent smell, especially when you DON'T have a stuffy nose, that even when I sneak it on me before bed, he knows... he knows. I blame my mother, since I remember it being a staple for us when we were sick.
So I have this killer cold right now, and I'm pretty sure its a sinus cold. Yesterday, one whole side of my face was in ridiculous pain. My nose was stuffed to the point that blowing it was useless. My eye hurt. My TEETH hurt. And every now and then, my nose (just on that side!) would start running uncontrollably, which is really aggrevating when blowing your nose is fruitless. So I went online and did some research about my favorite cold remedy... Vicks. I've just been putting it on my chest and throat when I didn't feel good... little did I know I wasn't even touching all the things you can do with it! After reading through everything, I was ready for last night...
I slathered it on the bottom of my feet.
I slathered it on my back.
I slathered it on my chest and throat.
And I put some under my nose, just for good measure.
I also put it on my lips this morning because its 10 degrees outside.
Poor, poor Erm. He told me he could smell me from downstairs. The only thing I didn't do, which I may try tonight, is a more aggressive use for the Vicks for a stuffy nose. I read that if you massage your forehead and temples with it, and cover your head, and sleep with your head slightly elevated, it works wonders for a stuffy nose. I may look like a mummy and smell like a cough drop, but its worth a try, right?
Pray for Erm.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm baaaaaaaaack.......

And now life is (somewhat) back to normal!!!