So anyone who knows me knows that one of my favorite things in the world is (are) pumpkins. I love them. I love the way they look, taste, smell... and now I'm going to love how they feel! Before my birthday, I spotted some Dream in Color Smooshy in Flamingo Pie... which is pinky-orangey, and I had to have it. Orange is my new favorite color. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my birthday, which I realized when I had lunch with my mom last week and she said "I'm surprised you didn't do a blog post about turning 30?". So there, I said it. I turned 30 in September. Actually, its ok now. It WASN'T ok for the whole two weeks leading up to it... it was so bad that on the eve of this milestone, after Shaine, Kelly and Melissa surprised me with a very nice birthday dinner... I went home after too much wine, poured myself a stiff Kaluha sombrero (who drinks those?) and looked up Andy Rooney articles about the best things about women in their 30s. I shocked myself into it, and when I woke up on my birthday I was (hurting) fine with it. But... I digress.
So... my wonderful Mom gave me a gift card to my LYS because she knew there were two sock yarns that I wanted but couldn't remember what they were. I bought the Flamingo Smooshy, then some Smooshy in November Muse, which I had also had my eye on.
Not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it yet... but not to fear. I also had some left over on my card, and spent a couple of my own bucks (being my birthday and all...) and bought THIS beautifulness.... Mmmmmmmalabrigo
Malabrigo Worsted in StoneChat. I have two of these, and will be making a scarf for myself, since I've also been eyeing this for... months.
But, onto the pumpkins. I was looking for the perfect pattern for my slightly orange yarn, and came across the "Little Pumpkins" Socks (Ravelry link). I read the comments on it, people said it went really quickly (yeah, right) and the pattern was easy to memorize (ok, whatever) and guess what... they were right. I'm already just about done the leg on one and I've been working on other things at the same time and I started them on Thursday! I'd love to have them done for this weekend (wishful thinking) but by Halloween would be wonderful. Here's some pics of the first sock in progress. I don't know how much they look like pumpkins now, but maybe when I put them on they will?

1 comment:
The only thing this blog is missing is a picture of Andy rooney himself!
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