... except I'm sure nobody knows what I'm doing with that image in my header! I was trying to be cute! But now I can't get rid of it! I already clicked the "remove image" button, and that won't work. I do not want my blog to look like a 4th grade arts and crafts project. Help.
(Note: 4th grade arts and crafts projects are adorable)
So the song "I Know" by Dionne Faris has been running through my head for days. So catchy. I get excited every time I hear it on the radio. I would love to put it on my iPod. Problem is, its not available on iTunes. The video is, but not the song. And its not like you can buy the whole album that its on, because that's not available either. Help.
In other news, Octavious has flown the coop. Not literally, he's walking around here somewhere. But he's gotten... kooky. Kookier than normal. See, Octavious is an ODD cat. I already wrote about when I adopted him, and his brother Joey. Well, they were almost full grown when I brought them home to my condo, and Octavious managed to squeeze his cat body underneath my very-low-to-the-ground bureau and stay there for days. I'm not sure if he came out to eat, or if Joey hunted and gathered and brought him food, or what. But, I didn't see him for about a week. After awhile he came out and I would wake up in the middle of the night to him standing on my bed and staring at me. Creepy, but he's a black cat, so it all fits.
One day I decided I had to paint the bathroom in my condo, and I didn't want the cats there inhaling fumes or mucking it up. So they moved to Erm's house and never moved out. Erm was thrilled. They were much happier here, but Octavious was still acting odd. He wouldn't let us pet him, ran away from everything, very skittish. Then he started hiding out in the open. He would stand in the corner of a room and look like he was hiding... but he clearly wasn't. One night, for some reason the litterbox was somewhere other than the basement, and I noticed that it took him fifteen minutes to squeeze out one little drop of pee. Poor little guy! So, long story a little less long, he was blocked, stayed blocked, needed BIG surgery. It was awful, but after that he became a little more normal. (Emphasis on little.) Now, his whole recovery from surgery was spent in the bathroom, because he was gross and his brother is very aggressive and I didn't need any fighting and ripping of stitches. Here is Octavious in recovery:

Oh, how cute. I caught him cleaning his face. Here's what he really looked like for those few weeks:
So angry. He was shaved on his front "arms" (as you can see) and his whole hind end was shaved. He looked like a poodle in the front and a baboon in the back. Maybe that's why he was so mad.
Anyway, I'm not sure if its because he spent that recovery time in the bathroom that he feels so possessive of it, but lately he's been sleeping in there, standing in the middle of the room when I take a shower, etc. The other night I took a bath and he stood in there yelling at me the whole time. Normally, if he meows once every two days, its a lot. The funny thing is, his surgery was over two years ago. So although I'd like to say he has some strong feelings for il bagno, I'm not sure if that's true. Although, he is very odd, so maybe that's it... I don't know. He's happy and healthy and gorgeous, and that's all that matters!
And that's the story of Tavi.
1 comment:
Awwww....cute pics of Octavius. :) Your header makes me laugh...I wish I had some advice, but I don't!!! Maybe go into HTML code and see if you can erase the code that goes along with the blinkie-thing? I feel somewhat responsible since I was the one that sent the blinkie...;)
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