... or COZIES. Geez, I have been knitting tea cozies and ONLY tea cozies for two weeks straight! Please, please please, Universe, never send me an opportunity to knit tea cozies again.
Ok, its not that bad. I'm just bored with it. One tea cozy here and there is probably great because they are quick and you feel like you did something, etc etc. But it has just seemed like a neverending project! I am doing it for my Maid of Honor's shower which is on Sunday, and I am her Maid of Honor, and this is what MOHs do, right? But boy, I just can't wait... I have 4 1/2 tea cozies done, and I just have one more half to do. And its a quick one, and I have a movie to watch (and knit with) this afternoon, and its Knit Night tonight at Knit Pickings, and I have until Sunday and its only Friday. My normal Procrastination is DYING to kick in and say "hey... you only have 1/2 to do... and it won't take you that long... go ahead, knit something else. Like that SWEATER you're dying to finish!". But nope, Procrastination, I will not give in!
I am hoping that tomorrow afternoon I will able to post that I am done with the tea cozies and can get on with my normal knitting. I can't wait to take a picture of all five of them, just hanging out together. Then I can work on one of the 4 other time sensitive projects I need to do ASAP.
That sweater, my Rusted Root that I said would be done by the 4th? Scrach that...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
A very "me" moment...
Do you ever have one of those days where you're super motivated to get everything done that you can possibly think of, and then some? I woke up Saturday morning in one of those moods. Actually I woke up Friday in one of those moods, got tons done, and worked from 2-10. I slept pretty late Saturday but when I was up, I was washing sheets, cleaning, etc. I couldn't cook or bake anything because we had literally NO FOOD in the house, but I put together my food shopping list for the week, and got ready to go. I was also going to get my oil changed, go buy a scale, go to the wine store for some tasting and buying, and then go to the supermarket. I got into my car and took a peek in my purse and saw that I had NO WALLET in there. I had left it at work the night before! I wasn't concerned with the safety of my wallet, I knew it would be ok, but I then became stranded with no food in my house. It was like a desert island. So I kept at my laundry, my knitting, watched almost all of season 6 of Sex and the City on demand... but I was not able to start dinner early. Not able to bake the carrot cake that I wanted to. Not able to get my oil changed, buy my scale, buy WINE. And, Erm was golfing for the day, so he couldn't even come to my rescue! I truly felt like a desperate housewife! Needless to say, he came home, we went food shopping, everything was fine. But... no homemade carrot cake :(
On another note, I have two squares of my sock yarn blanket done! What I'm doing is knitting a square every time I get done with one of the five similar things I have to have done by Sunday. I'm sure that didn't make sense, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. But, here are my two squares! Someday, these will actually be part of a blanket...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day, a nasty cold, and Game 6!
Hiya! I hope everyone had a great weekend like I did! Sunday I finally got to give my dad his hat that I've been working on for a couple of weeks, one of those projects that I couldn't talk about in case he reads my blog, which I know he doesn't. I can dream that everyone's reading my blog, right?
But before we went to my parents' house to give my dad his silly hat, we had lunch with DH to be's family to celebrate three birthdays. DFs neice is seriously one of the funniest kids I have ever met. I know everyone says that, but she kills me every time I see her. On Sunday we were coloring and drawing and I drew a mermaid tail and she decided to finish the drawing. After drawing the blob of the body she started drawing in the other... mermaid parts. When someone asked her what they were, she said "oh that's over her tummy... you know, her thingie things!". She constantly has the ability to bring us all to tears laughing and of course, has no idea why. So cute!
Anyway, he requested a hat longer than the last one I made him, and with earflaps to cover his ears. My parents have a long driveway that he snowblows in the winter and he never wears the right hats, mittens, scarves, etc. So I'm working on it.
Here is his hat
My dad is a very handsome man, I kept telling him to smile to take a normal picture and he refused to. I think he felt silly in the hat. Ha! I bet you didn't know you were going to be on the internet, Dad!
But before we went to my parents' house to give my dad his silly hat, we had lunch with DH to be's family to celebrate three birthdays. DFs neice is seriously one of the funniest kids I have ever met. I know everyone says that, but she kills me every time I see her. On Sunday we were coloring and drawing and I drew a mermaid tail and she decided to finish the drawing. After drawing the blob of the body she started drawing in the other... mermaid parts. When someone asked her what they were, she said "oh that's over her tummy... you know, her thingie things!". She constantly has the ability to bring us all to tears laughing and of course, has no idea why. So cute!
The only thing that put a damper on my weekend, and was the worst on Sunday, was this raging cold I've had since Wednesday. Of course, my late night on Saturday didn't make things better, but I digress. It was so bad that I had to record the Celtics Game 5 on Sunday night because I fell asleep after the first quarter! Although, I guess if there was a game to miss, it was that one.
Tonight is Game 6 and I have a plan of attack! First of all, I'm already feeling better, this cold is on its way OUT! I'm going to go home and make dinner for DH to be, head to the gym, which will energize me, come home and eat my dinner (enchiladas... mmm....) maybe bust out a square for the Sock Yarn Blankie, and hunker down to watch my favorite guys! And for anyone who doesn't know about the Sock Yarn Blankie, you either HAVE to check it out, or you shouldn't. Depends on your level of obsessiveness. Its an entire blankie, made out of mitered squares, that are made out of sock yarn. Made famous (and invented?) by Shelly Kang, The Heathen Housewife. I held off until last night and I couldn't take it any more, I started!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Birthday Surprise weekend was a hit!
So this past weekend it was my wonderful fiance's birthday. Last year I took him on a Birthday Surprise Day and I feel like I may have started a tradition. This year I got very excited about taking him to Concord & Lexington as he is VERY into American History, Revolutionary War, etc. I figured it would be a nice day for us, which it was. I also presented him with the half a sock I got done for him. I was really hoping to have the whole pair... but alas, I only had about a legwarmer's worth! They are longer now, but they look like this:
So as I'm getting excited to do the big reveal about where we're going, we're standing in the kitchen and he produces an envelope from his briefcase. This was not your average envelope, this envelope contained TWO TICKETS TO THE CELTICS GAME. This was GAME 2 OF THE FINALS! I almost peed my pants.
So then we got ready, had some breakfast, and were on our way. It was a nice day out, a little warm, but we spent a lot of time in air conditioned places so that was great. One place was The Cheese Shop in downtown Concord. For under $20, we got three delicious cheeses, a bunch of italian deli meat, a big bottle of Pelligrino and a baguette. Picnic lunch! Best cheese was a tossup between the aged cheddar and this 4 year old Gouda...

After that, more history, then onto Lexington where everything was CLOSED. Well, not everything. We actually got to enter each other's worlds for a short time, and I brought DF to his first LYS!! Wild and Wooly in Lexington. I had read mixed reviews online about this store and I have to say, the service was better than what I had expected! As usual, I had to buy SOMETHING... or two somethings. I left with some Araucania sock yarn and a VERY blue Malabrigo. Both for ME which I rarely buy yarn for any more. I want to make a hat with the Malabrigo, but I need the absolute perfect pattern. Any ideas? It looks like Grover.
I also hope you're admiring my pasty white legs. Get out your sunglasses and don't go blind.
After that, a trip to his favorite guitar store which was gorgeous, a nice dinner with friends at a brewery in Waltham. Sunday was family day at our house, quick nap and off to the CELTICS!!!! I could have gone overboard with the team spirit, but I think DF would have left me at the Garden. So I toned it down.
Needless to say, it was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend. Our seats were fantastic, as they always are when this guy gives them to us. The Garden was rocking, the celebs were out, it was totally worth the exhaustion I suffered the next day! Did I mention how good our seats were?
That is Big Papi on the left coming out of the tunnel. And my boyfriend Ray Allen on the right. Yes, I took that picture from my seat!
Monday, June 2, 2008
What color are you?
I was quite surprised when I saw what color I was... always thought I'd be a red!
#00FFFF |
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
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